- 01 | C13检测幽门螺旋杆菌 告别照胃镜 身体就是一面镜子,你如何待它,它亦然会如..
- 02 | 原先查病做胃镜 现在吹气就搞定 1 幽门螺杆菌虽不起眼,却十分具有破坏性 1..
- 03 | 不插管无痛胃镜 【不插管无痛胃镜适用人群?】 不插管无痛..
- 04 | 先亚集团研发的高新科技产品红细 一、概述 通过呼气测定来进行人体红细胞寿..
- 05 | Capnia Inc公司研发的便携式呼气 美国Capnia Inc公司研发了一款便携式呼气末..
- 06 | 以色列新型仪器用呼气成分诊断疾 我们身体“运行”的过程中会产生许多代谢物..
- 07 | 查幽门螺杆菌 呼气试验法为最佳 治疗胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡和胃炎,关键要查..
- 08 | 红细胞寿命测定在真性红细胞增多 随着生活水平的提高和生活习惯的改变,现在..
- 09 | 呼气就能测肺癌?盘点那些能检测 英国新仪器:呼气就能测肺癌 英国的国民保..
- 10 | 红细胞寿命测定在小细胞低色素贫 一、什么是小细胞低色素? 小细胞低色素贫..
Aussie researchers developing accurate breath-test for cancer
Australian researchers are developing a breath-testing device which will be capable of accurately detecting early stage head and neck cancers. Developed by rese...
Cancer breath test detects 80 percent of cases in early trial
The pursuit of early-stage cancer screening methods that are both low-cost and non-invasive is a common goal among medical researchers, and a team in Australia ...
Promising breath-test for cancer
The global quest to use a persons breath analysis for rapid, inexpensive and accurate early-stage testing for cancer and other diseases has taken a leap forward...
New Optical Method Could Enable Cancer Biomarker Breath Test
Investigators have developed an extremely sensitive optical method for detecting formaldehyde in a person’s breath, a potential biomarker being investigated fo...
Breakthrough cancer breath test shows high level of accuracy
ADELAIDE, Australia — From drunk driving to experimental screenings for COVID-19, a breath test can provide a lot of information in a short amount of time. Res...
Cleveland Clinic 与科技公司合作开发快速检测新冠病毒的呼气试验
CLEVELAND,俄亥俄州(WOIO)- Cleveland Clinic 宣布与一家科技开发公司合作开发一种检测新冠病毒的呼气测试。 与呼吸技术公司合作的目标是开发一种利用呼气样本识别新冠...
A promising breath-test for cancer
The global quest to use a persons breath analysis for rapid, inexpensive and accurate early-stage testing for cancer and other diseases has taken a leap forward...
研究称人体呼出气体独一无二 可诊断疾病(图)